
Every bottle of wine can make or break your brand. Every sip should be smooth. Let us help you deliver consistent, high-quality wine that exceeds expectations. 

Protect quality, vintage after vintage

When someone enjoys a glass of your wine, you want to exceed their expectations. Wine filtration is an important part of the process that ensures wine quality and microbiological stability, helping you protect against quality problems that can result in product loss, without sacrificing taste and color. 

Optimize performance to optimize taste

Each time a customer enjoys a safe and satisfying sip of your wine, your brand’s reputation is enhanced and you have the opportunity to build loyalty. To achieve this, your process needs to be able to execute to your expectations every time. With an optimized process, you can achieve the taste, color and clarity you require. From ensuring flexibility without cross-contamination when switching between red and white wine production to increasing consumer safety with filters that have an unsurpassed microbiological retention rate, our innovations in wine filtration are leading the industry with pure, mineral-free materials that increase capacity and productivity and help you produce your best bottles. 

Interested in learning more about how we support your production process?

Optimizing processes with the right filters at an Australian winery

When one of the most modern, state-of-the-art wineries in Australia needed help meeting new wine filtration challenges, we provided the solution.

Automation of a wine irrigation and fertigation system

Eaton's solutions contribute to establishing Agriculture 4.0 by offering remote crop management and monitoring